Friday, December 6, 2013

The Fly: The Epitome of Human Carelessness with Technology

Probably one of the most disturbing and physically mortifying movies that I have ever watched so far would be The Fly. Yet it doesn’t fail to impress an incredibly significant lesson on its viewers regarding the ethical implications of scientific and technological innovation.

The Fly is a science-fiction horror film but the only scary thing about it is perhaps the thought that my body might get swapped with an insect much less a fly when trying out an experiment. But despite the lack of intensity to strike fear in me, it effectively brought its message across even if it was in a morbid way.

The film caught my attention from the beginning since it immediately introduced the conflict of the story, that being the murder of Andre by his wife Helene, without any prelude to the present situation. However, it was able to make effective use of the flashback which gave the story more substance, clarity, and progression. So it was definitely entertaining and quite interesting due to the characters’ quirks and the sequence of events.

In the flashback, it was revealed that Andre built a teleportation device that could transport any matter from one portal to the other. Through the character of Andre, we see that scientists have the innate thirst for truth and knowledge and nothing will stop them from getting the answers. However, it came to a point when he exceeded the boundaries and experimented on himself which led to bigger complications. I do believe that it was a play on morality because we have to know and accept our limitations and consider the risks.

The film shows us that science and technology in the 1950s was a phenomenon or an impetus for improvement of life that could give someone fame, wealth, and power.

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